
4月8日,某研究所将NMT技术应用于钙信号研究,测试样品为小麦,测试指标为Ca2+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 5月9号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于逆境生理领域,测试样品为黄瓜幼苗,测试指标为NO3-、NH4+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月2号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于逆境胁迫领域,测试样品为棉花苗,测试指标为Ca2+、H+、K+、Na+、IAA,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月5号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物逆境领域,测试样品为苜蓿,测试指标为K+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月9号,某研究所将NMT技术应用于水稻逆境领域,测试样品为水稻,测试指标为Na+、Ca2+,在中国科学院植物研究所完成实验。| 6月11号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物抗逆领域,测试样品为酵母细胞,测试指标为IAA,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月16号,某高校将NMT技术应用于昆虫研究,测试样品为昆虫,测试指标为Ca2+、K+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月19号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物抗逆领域,测试样品为拟南芥,测试指标为Ca2+,在旭月研究院完成实验。|

Environ Exp Bot:河南农业大学丨水稻根部响应缺氧的分子机制研究(附NMT实验体系)

期刊:Environmental and Experimental Botany
标题:Comparative morphological and transcriptomic responses of lowland and upland rice to root-zone hypoxia
检测样品:水稻(低地和高地两种)距根尖0,200, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 2500 μm
IAA、O2流速流实验处理方法:10日龄幼苗分别在充足氧(4.5-6.0 mg·L−1)和缺氧(0.9-2.1 mg·L−1)条件下培养5d
IAA、O2流速流实验测试液成份:0.1mM KCl, 0.1mM CaCl2, 0.1mM MgCl2, 0.3mM MES, pH 5.5


Lowland and upland rice, as for two ecotypes, that have been exhibited different tolerance levels under hypoxia conditions. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying rice root hypoxia tolerance between them are not fully understood.

This study was performed to assess the morphological, physiological and transcriptional changes of roots in one lowland rice YueFu (YF) and one upland rice IRAT109 (IR) genotype. A morpho-physiological analysis revealed that compared to IR, YF showed less reduction of root length, root and shoot biomass, formed more aerenchyma in the root, and kept more oxygen influxes in root under hypoxia conditions. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) fluxes patterns exhibited a different response to hypoxia in YF and IR.

The contents of IAA, ethylene and hydrogen peroxide were significantly increased in YF and IR, but nitric oxide significantly increased only in YF under hypoxic conditions. Subsequently, transcriptome analysis revealed that more differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified to respond to hypoxia in YF than IR. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analyses showed that DEGs in both genotypes enriched in energy metabolism, aerenchyma formation, reactive oxygen species, and cell wall modification, whereas more related DEGs in YF significantly enriched in these pathways than IR. The specific DEGs in YF especially enriched in phytohormone metabolism and signaling, such as auxin, jasmonic acid, and ethylene, but the specific DEGs in IR especially enriched in photosynthesis. All these results demonstrate that YF is more tolerant to hypoxia than IR, and elucidate some specific mechanisms underlying the differential hypoxia tolerance in lowland and upland rice.

This study has provided valuable candidate genes for genetic improvement of rice in adapting to hypoxia stress.








结果表明:在氧气充足(Aer)的条件下,分生区吸收O2比较剧烈。YF(低地品种)和IR(高地品种)在300μm处吸收的O2最多,其流速值分别达到79.14 pmol·cm−2·s−1和83.72 pmol·cm−2·s−1,而在缺氧(Hyp)条件下分别为44.77 pmol·cm−2·s−1和40.08 pmol·cm−2·s−1;IR明显降低的更多一些。这说明,分生区是水稻根部感受氧的关键区域,IR对缺氧条件更加敏感。
根分生区同时也是IAA较为敏感的区域。缺氧条件下,除IR的300μm处之外,两种水稻均表现为吸收IAA。氧气充足时,YF和IR在600μm处的IAA吸收速率分别为29,740 fmol·cm−2·s-1和35,092 fmol·cm−2·s-1;而在缺氧条件下分别为8864 fmol·cm−2·s-1和5441 fmol·cm−2·s-1。结合IAA含量测定结果,发现缺氧促使根部积累IAA。这说明生长素参与了缺氧条件下根系发育的调控过程。
